Dental Care Niagara
Within the center of each tooth, there is canal system present that contains nerves, blood vessels and other cells. This canal system is called the pulp. When this pulp system is contaminated by the infection or trauma, then root canal treatment might be needed in order to save the tooth from extraction and future need of either implant or conventional three unit bridge. Once infectious process within the tooth starts, the pressure might build up causing pain. On occasion, the abscess may also develop around the root of the tooth causing destruction of the surrounding bone.
During root canal treatment, contaminated pulp is removed by cleaning, further shaping and decontaminating the canal system using files and irrigating solutions. Once completely disinfected, canal is then filled with biocompatible gutta purcha material and ready to be restored to its proper chewing function.
If you are too nervous, ask Dr. Daniela for the sedation options that are available in her office. With nowadays advancement in technology, no one should fear this procedure.